Ankit Jain

Life Lessons

As I grow, I am learning many life lessons. The idea behind this page is to compile a list of all the important lessons I have learned, realized, and imbibed in my life to some extent.

This would also serve as checklist for taking new actions based on the past learnings I've had for my own self.

I hope this also helps the reader in their journey.

The List

  1. Behind every action or thought, focus more on the seed of the action than the action itself. Actions stemmed from laziness breeds dissatisfaction.

  2. Consumption of anything leads to gluttony if not followed by creation. Creation is the final step of all consumption.
    If you read a book (consume), write a review (create).

  3. Time is an illusion that keeps us away from present. The best way to realise this is by immersing yourself in the process.

  4. Society rewards you for your internal growth.

  5. Self-image is the first step to look good. Poor self image harms more than any dressing sense.

  6. It takes all kind of people to run this world.

  7. If there is only only one part of human body that one should focus on - let it be gut. Good gut is good life.

  8. Control brings fulfilment, surrender brings relief. Therefore it is imperative to control the inputs and surrender the outputs.

  9. Wonder is the fuel of life, not curiosity.

  10. Acing a difficult task in the morning solves 90% of all problems of the day. That is why it is recommended to do a difficult workout the first thing in the morning.

  11. The way to mental transformation is through physical labour. Exhaust the body to tame the mind.

  12. Your next day began today. Plan your next day today or you don't want the next day to go well.